Keynote Speaker
Peter Yu is a Yawuru man from Broome in the Kimberley region in North West Australia with over 40 years’ experience in Indigenous development and advocacy in the Kimberley and at the state, national and international level. Peter was a key negotiator on behalf of the Yawuru Native Title Holders with the Western Australian State Government over the 2010 Yawuru Native Title Agreement. He was recently Chief Executive Officer of the Yawuru Corporate Group and is the current and inaugural Vice – President First Nations at the Australian National University.
He has been an advocate for the social, cultural and economic advancement and well-being of Kimberley and other Aboriginal communities for his entire career. He has been instrumental in the development of many community-based organisations and initiatives which have had an enduring influence on the Kimberley region. He was Executive Director of the Kimberley Land Council during the 1990s and a member of the national leadership team negotiating the Federal Government’s response to the 1992 Mabo High Court judgement on Native Title.
He is currently the Chair for the Indigenous Reference Group (IRG) to the Northern Ministerial Forum, Deputy Chair of the North Australian Indigenous Land and Sea Management Alliance Ltd (NAILSMA) and a Member for the Senior Advisory Group to Minister Ken Wyatt.